Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ted Hughes conflicting perspectives - 1230 Words

Conflicting Perspectives Essay Composers deliberately manipulate conflicting perspectives in order to achieve their purpose. This may be a unanimous truth amongst composers whether it is to attract sympathy, inform the responder, or to make a comment on the functioning and morality of society. In order to achieve their purpose, composers deliberately manipulate responder’s conflicting perspectives so that they will have the same perspective as them. Ted Hughes utilises the subjective nature of the textual form of poetry so as to evoke a certain response to sympathise with him and relieve himself of any guilt in his collection of poetry, â€Å"Birthday Letters†. â€Å"The Sea Inside†, a 2000 Spanish film based on a true story, directed by†¦show more content†¦A tone of underlying resentment towards Plath is felt by the responder by this mocking description following her death which suggests that he may feel responsible and further attempts to manipulate the responder’s perspecti ve in order to clear him of this guilt. Alejandro Amenabar uses film techniques and characterisation in order to subtly manipulate the audience’s response which is one is one of sympathy. His purpose in making the film was more than to merely place his own perspectives to the audience but instead to inform the responder and lead them to make their own decisions based on the knowledge gained through the film. Based on a true story, the main character Ramon became a paraplegic during a diving accident and after twenty-five years of being bed-ridden, he wishes to end his life through euthanasia. This character attracts the most sympathy in the film as he is the main protagonist of the film, intentionally done so by Amenabar in order to persuade the responder to side with him. Due to the very controversial nature of the issue, he attempts to maintain indifferent in his approach to informing the responder about the severity of euthanasia, reflecting society’s stance on the matter. His use of high panning angles to mimic flying during one of Ramon’s dream sequences shows vast landscapes expressing his innermost desires whichShow MoreRelatedHsc English: Conflicting Perspectives - Ted Hughes Poems985 Words   |  4 Pagesvalidity of an individual’s perspective on the truth regarding situations, events and personalities throughout their lifetime is subjective. Conflicting perspectives arise when two individuals experience the same situations, events or personalities, but take meaning from these experiences in opposing ways. Because of these contradictory views, we –as the audience – must challenge our assessment of the truth. We can do this by analysing the viewpoints presented by Ted Hughes’ confessional poems, TheRead MoreConflicting Perspectives - Hughes1429 Words   |  6 PagesTogether the works of Ted Hughes, Christine Jeffs and J.D Salinger combine to enhance an understanding of the concept of conflicting perspectives. The audience can see that there is a great deal of ubiquity in relation to Conflicting Perspectives. Ted Hughes’ poetry gives his account of a tumultuous part of his life whilst Christine Jeff’s film portrays a different point of view than that given by Hughes’. 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